Looking for Rougui Diallo

Here is Rougui Diallo in front of a house in Conakry. In 1977 or 78. Most likely it is the house of her uncle, Laho Diallo, where to she and her mother and siblings moved, after her father got purged by Sekou Toure. I know her brother, Alpha, was in housearrest untill he escaped and fled to Denmark. And Rougui! If you read this, I´d love to hear from you! Find out how you´ve been. Plus, you got more family in Denmark! In the second picture you see your cousin out of Labé, Muhktar "Alex" Diallo with his son, Mathias. It´s at my 40th birthday. Next to them is my cousin, Rasmus "The partyman" Andersen, with somebodys elses boy. Do write me!
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